EDF 2024: aperte nuove call per potenziare le capacità difensive e l'innovazione

Lo European Defence Fund (EDF) ha aperto le call 2024 in scadenza il 5 novembre 2024, stanziando un totale di 1,1 miliardi di euro per favorire l’innovazione e rafforzare il panorama difensivo europeo.

Tutti i bandi sono progettati per affrontare le sfide emergenti della difesa promuovere l’innovazione in 32 aree tematiche diverse, focalizzate in settori quali la salute, la logistica, i materiali, i sensori e le tecnologie digitali. In particolare, i topic 2024 mirano a finanziare tecnologie disruptive e a sostenere la partecipazione delle PMI. I progetti sono classificati in Research Actions (RA) e Development Actions (DA):

  • Next generation rotorcraft (EDF-2024-DA-AIR-NGRT) – EDF Development Actions
  • AI-based multifunctional aperture and transceiver (EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-AIMA-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Functional smart system-of-systems under an integral survivability approach for future naval platforms (EDF-2024-DA-NAVAL-FNP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Multi-source satellite image analysis – Organisation of a technological challenge (EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAO) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence (EDF-2024-LS-RA-DIS-NT) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Automated structural modelling for effect prediction (EDF-2024-RA-DIGIT-ASMEP) – EDF Research Actions
  • Secure waveform for satellite communications (EDF-2024-DA-SPACE-EPW-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Autonomous heavy minesweeping system (EDF-2024-DA-UWW-AHMS) – EDF Development Actions
  • Multi-source satellite image analysis – Participation in a technological challenge (EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SPACE-MSIAP) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Concept study on advanced air-to-air missiles (EDF-2024-RA-AIR-AAM) – EDF Research Actions
  • Unmanned collaborative combat aircraft (U-CCA) systems (EDF-2024-RA-AIR-UCCAS-STEP) – EDF Research Actions
  • Medium altitude long endurance RPAS (EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-MALE) – EDF Development Actions
  • Small enhanced European UAS (EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-SEEU-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Next-Generation Cooperative Cyber Range (EDF-2024-DA-CYBER-NGCR-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Energy-independent and energy-efficient systems for military camps (EDF-2024-DA-ENERENV-EEMC-STEP | Call for proposal) – EDF Development Actions
  • Next generation armoured infantry fighting vehicle (EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-AIFV) – EDF Development Actions
  • Defence multi-dimensional communication standard (EDF-2024-DA-C4ISR-COMS-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Beyond the line-of-sight close combat (EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-BLOS) – EDF Development Actions
  • Quantum technologies (EDF-2024-LS-RA-DIS-QUANT-STEP) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Multipurpose unmanned ground systems (EDF-2024-DA-GROUND-UGS-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Simulation and training for medical emergencies (EDF-2024-DA-SIMTRAIN-STME-STEP) – EDF Development Actions
  • Non-thematic development actions by SMEs (EDF-2024-LS-DA-SME-NT) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Multi-sensor integration for robust autonomous drone navigation – Organisation of a technological challenge (EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SENS-RADNO) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Multi-sensor integration for robust autonomous drone navigation – Participation in a technological challenge (EDF-2024-LS-RA-CHALLENGE-SENS-RADNP) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Call for proposals dedicated to SMEs and research organisations (EDF-2024-LS-RA-SMERO-NT) – EDF Lump Sum Grants
  • Future mid-size tactical cargo aircraft (EDF-2024-RA-PROTMOB-FMTC) – EDF Research Actions
  • Secured and adaptive underwater communications for UUSs (EDF-2024-RA-UWW-SACOM-STEP) – EDF Research Actions
  • Methods for bridging reality gaps (EDF-2024-RA-SIMTRAIN-BRG-STEP) – EDF Research Actions
  • Advanced radar technologies (EDF-2024-RA-SENS-ART) – EDF Research Actions
  • Electronic components (EDF-2024-RA-SI-MATCOMP-EC-STEP) – EDF Research Actions
  • Intelligent weaponry and ammunition systems (EDF-2024-RA-GROUND-IWAS) – EDF Research Actions

Scadenza: 5 novembre 2024